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RA Mayes EMC Test
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EMC Test Products Index

EMC, RF & Microwave Test Systems  

EMC Test Products



EMC, High Power, Outdoor, RF, Microwave, Walkway.


EMC, RF, Microwave, Biconical, Log Periodic, Helical, Horns, Dipoles.

Anechoic Chambers

3, 5, 10 meter, Compliance & Pre-Compliance, MIL-STD.

Automotive EMC Immunity

Power Failure Simulator, Transient Emission, Load Dump Generator.

Automotive Optical Data Transmission

Optical transmission of analog & digital automotive signals, for immunity testing.

Conducted EMC Test

Absorbing Clamp, Harmonics & Flicker, Power Supply.

Comparison Noise Emitters (CNE)

Radiated & Conducted measurement systems validation & verification.

Comb Generators

50 MHz to 26 GHz Radiated measurement systems validation & verification.

Economical EMC Compliance Test Systems

LaplaCell, Spectrum Analyzer, Generator, Site Source.

EMC,RF & Microwave Antennas

Array, Biconical, Dipole, Horn, Log Periodic.

E-Field Probes & Meters

Near Field Probes, Monitors, RF Hazard.

EMC Test Interface Controllers

Test Interface Controllers.

EMC Test Software

Fully Automated EMC Test Software.

EMC Test Turntables, Masts & Controllers

Boresight, Controllers, Towers, Turntables.

Emission Reference Sources (ERS)

10 MHz to 3.5 GHz, Obtain a true end-to-end calibration including site conditions and analyzer.

Harmonics and Flicker Analyzer

AC Mains Analyzer, Low Distortion Power Supply.

Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN)

LISN's, CISPR, MIL-STD, 10 to 500 Amp.

Open Area Test Site (OATS) Enclosures

Fiberglass Dome, Fiberglass Panel (Discontinued).

RF Shielded Rooms

Cabinets, Copper Screen, Doors, Modular, Welded.

TEM Cells

DC to 3 GHz, Open Cells and Closed Cells.

Totally Integrated Lab Software


Our EMC Test Systems offer a wide range of EMC Test Systems for emission and immunity testing as well as the planning, delivery and installation of turn-key EMC Test Laboratories acc. to commercial, industrial, automotive and military standards.

Along with the complete systems we offer also single instruments/components, like RF Power Amplifiers, Antennas, Signal Generators, RF Power Meters, E-Field Sensors, GTEM Cells, EMI Receiver and many other accessories for EMC testing.

EMC is the capability of electronic devices and equipment to operate in their electromagnetic environment without disturbing nearby devices (emissions) or having these devices disturb them (immunity/susceptibility). EMC test equipment refers to the set of instruments that test the emission and immunity characteristics of a device under test (DUT).

EMC testing services refer to precompliance, fully compliant, consulting, and certification testing by third-party or government test houses to confirm products' performance and compliance with EMC directives and industry standards.

EMC Antennas can be used to conduct the EMC testing (both emission & immunity test) in RF shielded anechoic rooms and open area test site (OATS). Types of EMC antenna are - monopole, dipole, biconical, log-periodic, horn, loop, active antenna, array antenna, blade, biological, spiral, and yagi antenna. EMC antenna kits are used to conduct radiated emission & immunity test in OATS. These kits provide EMC antennas, current probes, measurement cable, comb generator, and other accessories needed for conducting the EMC testing.

Automotive EMC test systems  HILO-TEST has solutions for the following Automobile International EMC Standards: ISO 7637-2ISO 16750-2ISO 7637-2ISO 16750-2ISO 7637-2ISO 16750-2ISO 7637-2ISO TR 10605 and IEC 61000-4-2. HILO-TEST is a manufacturer of EMC test simulators and an active participant in international standardization bodies for the automotive industry. As a result, HILO-TEST knows the current and future EMC requirements for automotive industry. The following automotive products are specifically geared to the current EMC requirements in modern automobile, and described in the standards ISO 7637 and ISO 16750.

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An Electro Mechanical Research and Development (EMRAD) Corporation, Company

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