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TEM Test Cells

GTEM Italia Logo

Schwarzbeck Logo   Hilo Test Logo

Laplace Logo

TEM & LaplaCells for EMC Immunity & Emissions Testing

TEM Cell (Closed)

Schwarzbeck Logo 

TEMZ 5233

TEM Cell - Closed


TEM Cell - Closed

DC to 600 MHz


Closed, unsymmetrical 50 W stripline (also
called Crawford-TEM-Cell or TransverseElectroMagnetic cell) for E- and H-field probe calibration and immunity testing of components.


The TEMZ 5233 complies to the requirements of ISO 11452-3, IEEE 1309 and EN 61000-4-20.

Hilo Test Logo

TEM 2000


Hilo TEM 2000 


TEM Cell - Closed

0.01 to 1,000 MHz

TEM - Measuring Cell

Measuring dynamic: 80 dB

Frequency range: 0.01 - 1000 MHz

Wave resistance: 50 Ω
The TEM Measuring Cell TEM -2000 permits the measurement of the screening attenuation of electrical conducting plastics, conducting laminated plastics, screening materials and braids.

GTEM Italia TEM Cell (Closed)

GTEM Italia Logo 


TEM Cells - Closed

DC to 3 GHz


TEM Cell - Closed 


TEM Cell Closed



Transverse Electro Magnetic (TEM) cell or Crawford cell (named after its inventor) is used to generate accurate electromagnetic waves over a wide frequency range: DC (0 Hz) to GHz.

EM waves generated in the cell propagate in transverse mode and have the same characteristics as a plane wave. It can be used to calibrate E-field broadband probes for testing radiated E-field immunity as well as for measuring radiated emission from a product with a spectrum analyzer/EMI receiver.

TEM cell generates a consistent electromagnetic field for testing small RF devices such as wireless pagers, receivers, portable phones, etc. An external test signal applied through the input port of the TEM cell generates a consistent and predictable (plane wave) test field inside the TEM cell. The radiation field emanating from a device (under test) located in the cell can also be detected through the signal generator port  connected to an EMI receiver or a spectrum analyzer.

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is placed on the bottom ground plane as in Open Area Test Site (OATS) and in accordance with the shielded enclosure conditions.

TEM cells are used in final compliance certification tests. There IEC 61000-4-3  EMC standard, require a TEM cell for radiated susceptibility and radiated emission tests. Integrated Circuits (IC), Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) devices and PCBs can also be tested according to the standard SAE J1752-3 . 

TEM cells can deliver an equivalent OATS performance inside the comforts of a lab with minimum OATS errors. The main advantage of a TEM cell over a strip-line is that in the former, the EUT is completely shielded (except a window to insert/monitor the EUT) from the external environment, thus producing results with negligible errors. It is one of the reasons why a TEM cell is qualified to perform final compliance tests.

Technical Specifications TEM 200 TEM 500 TEM 1000 TEM 3000
Frequency range DC-200 MHz DC-500 MHz DC-1GHz DC-3GHz
Height under the plate 30 cm 10cm 7.3cm 2.35cm
Dimensions (LxWxH) 130x70x62cm 60x30x22cm 54x45x18cm 15x8x6cm
Max. Input power 1.6KW long term 1KW long term 750W long term 400W long term
Maximum Field 800V/m 1.5KV/m 2.6KV/m 5.6KV/m
Field for a 25W amplifier 118V/m 350V/m 475V/m 1,400V/m
Impedance 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm
VSWR <1.1 <1.1 <1.2 <1.2
Return Loss >25dB >25dB >20dB >20dB
Connector type N N N N or TNC, SMA
Weight Approx. 40Kg Approx. 20Kg. Approx. 4.8Kg. Approx. 1.6Kg.
Options Signal and power supply filter

* can be equipped with a test set-up for IC or PCB according to SAE J1752-3.

TEM Test Cell (Open)

GTEM Italia Logo


TEM Cells - Open

DC to 3 GHz


TEM Cell - Open 



These open TEM cells (tri-plate cells) are well suited for immunity testing of small objects according to European (CE) and automotive standards (SAE J1113-25) or for biological experiments.

The advantage of these TEM cells is that they are open and it is very easy to control the functions of the equipment under test.


 O-TEM 500

Open TEM-cells are well suited for immunity testing of small objects according to European (CE) and automotive standards (SAE J1113-25) or for biological experiments.

The advantage of these O-TEM cells is that they are open and it is very easy to control the functions of the EUT (Equipment Under Test).

The applications are for instance the immunity testing of watches, pagers, telephones or PCB�s. In comparison with other closed TEM-cells, the price is low.

The field decreases rapidly outside the Open TEM-cells (approx. 33 dB at 1 meter) and it is, therefore, possible to use an Open TEM-cell in ordinary facilities.

Another interesting application is the calibration of field probes as the generated field inside the Open TEM-cell is very exact. Open TEM-cells are the most precise structures for field calibrations.

Technical Specifications O-TEM 200 O-TEM 500 O-TEM 1000 O-TEM 3000
Frequency range DC-200 MHz DC-500 MHz DC-1GHz DC-3GHz
Height under the plate 32,7 cm 14,7cm 7,3cm 2,5cm
Dimensions (LxWxH) 247x114x70cm 107x51x33,5cm 54x45x16,8cm 44x18x8cm
Max. Input power 1,5KW long term 1KW long term 750W long term 400W long term
The field for a 25W amplifier 105V/m 215V/m 480V/m 1,4KV/m
Impedance 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm 50 ohm
Wave impedance 377 Ω 377 Ω 377 Ω 377 Ω 377 Ω
Connector type N or 7/16″ optional N N N or TNC, SMA
VSWR <1.1 <1.2 <1.2 <1.9
Field precision ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 % ± 5 %
Weight Approx. 55Kg Approx. 12Kg. Approx. 3,5Kg. Approx. 3Kg.
Options Signal and power supply filter, Dummy Load: on demand
* Can be equipped with a test setup for IC or PCB acc. to SAE J1752-3

TEM Cell Trolley 

TEM Trolley

LaplaCell Compliance EMC Test Cells





EMC Compliance Test Cell



30 MHz to 3 GHz or 6 GHz




EN, FCC, As/NZ, and CISPR standards

Same RF features as the LaplaCell300/2 below, but with eight times the EUT test volume.


EUT Size: 23.64" x 23.64" x 23.64"

60cm x 60cm x 60cm


Usable EUT Test Volume: 30.7" x 32.3" x 34.2"

78cm x 82cm x 87cm




This is the view of the rear of an LC600/2.

 On the left is the filter block access door, on the right is the main access to the EUT volume.

The cell is shown here with its main access door open.


LaplaCell LC600 with main door open

LaplaCell 600 Video LaplaCells




EMC Compliance Test Cell


30 MHz to 3 GHz

LaplaCell 300


LaplaCell like GTEM





CISPR standards



The cell provides the core of a totally integrated system which will deliver a complete, PC controlled Emissions and Immunity test package.






EUT Size: 11.8" x 11.8" x 11.8"

30cm x 30cm x 30cm


Usable EUT Test Volume: 20.0" x 18.9" x 16.1"

51cm x 48cm x 41cm

  • You can easily self certify & self calibrate your own test cell

  • The cell is a stainless steel fabrication with continuously welded joints all round, giving a totally screened enclosure which is completely maintenance free and will not degrade with time.

  • The main body of the cell is made from 18swg sheet giving a very strong unit but with an overall weight of only 100kg. 

  • The EUT usable area is contained within a Polypropylene enclosure. 

  • All calibration & correction factor data for Emissions & Immunity provided to you.

  • 100 Watts Maximum

Rear view of an LC300/2 showing the main door for access to the EUT volume.
On the right side, is the access for the filter block terminations.

Lc300-2 Rear View

LC300/2, view showing the typical layout of an LC300/2 filter block output. Cables from the EUT in the volume of the cell are terminated here.

Lc300-2 Filter block terminations

IEC61000-4-3 sets the requirements for RF immunity testing. It specifies fields of up to 10V/m over the range 80MHz to 1GHz and provides minimum performance requirements. The LaplaCell range fully meets these requirements and when used in conjunction with the Laplace synthesizer and power amplifier, provides a complete integrated solution .

EN, FCC, As/NZ, and CISPR standards all require the use of an OATS (Open Area Test Site) for the measurement of emissions. This is a demanding requirement in terms of space, resources, calibration and expertise. The LaplaCell range provides an ideal alternative solution, delivering equivalent OATS performance without OATS problems.

Laplace vs GTEM E-Field  

Uniformity: The balanced septum design ensures good uniformity, even when compared with the "industry standard" GTEM type.

The above views make this obvious.

Impedance: The aim of a test cell is to emulate an OATS test. Free space impedance as applies to OATS sites is 377 ohm. Conventional test cells are 50 ohm systems. The unique design of the LaplaCell matches the incoming 50 ohm impedance to around 200 ohm inside the cell, a much closer match to free space impedance.


LaplaCell 300/2

LaplaCell 600/2

Maximum EUT Size:

30 x 30 x 30 cm

60 x 60 x 60 cm

Usable EUT volume:

51 x 48 x 41 cm

78 x 82 x 87 cm

Calibrated frequency range:

30MHz - 3GHz

30MHz - 3GHz

Max RF power in:



Power for 10V/m:



Field @ max RF in:



Auxiliary Power Requirement: 

5V dc @ 25mA

24V dc

Range Switching:

2 bands, switched (local & remote switching)

Screening attenuation


Internal damping:

Ferrite absorbers

EUT Power Dissipation:

100W max

EUT cooling:

Optional forced air system

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