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RF & Microwave Amplifier Index

Solid State & TWT, RF & Microwave Amplifiers

Amplifier Type

Frequency Range

Output Power (Watts)

CPI Microwave TWT Amplifiers

1 GHz - 50 GHz

20 to 250

CPI Microwave TWT Amplifiers (High Power)

1 GHz - 50 GHz

40 to 1000

CPI Microwave TWT Amplifiers (High Power Pulsed)

1 GHz - 40 GHz


Exodus Solid State Pulsed RF Amplifiers

3 MHz - 16 GHz

10 to 10000

Exodus Solid State Pulsed RF Amplifier Modules

3 MHz - 16 GHz

50 to 2000

Exodus Solid State Communication Amplifiers

2 MHz - 6.4 GHz

1 to 1800

Exodus Solid State Communication Amplifier Modules

500 kHz - 6.4 GHz

1 to 250

Exodus Solid State Microwave Amplifiers

700 MHz - 6.4 GHz

1 to 1000

Exodus Solid State Microwave Amplifier Modules

500 MHz - 6.4 GHz

1 to 250

Exodus Solid State RF Amplifiers

10 KHz - 6.4 GHz

1 to 1000

Exodus Solid State RF Amplifier Modules

15 KHz - 6.4 GHz

1 to 250

Exodus Solid State Ultra Broadband RF Amplifiers

20 MHz - 50 GHz

2 to 100

Exodus Advanced Communications is a multinational RF communication equipment and engineering service company serving both commercial and government entities and their affiliates worldwide.

Our In-house resources include RF circuit designs up to 51GHz, prototype verification, system level mechanical & electrical design, digital circuit design, and control software development.  We bring over 100 years of combined experience in the RF field designing RF SSPA's in numerous applications including military jamming, communications, radar, EMI/EMC and various commercial projects.  Our technologies and capabilities include:

  • High Power Solid-State Power Amplifiers

    • Chip & Wire Hybrid Assemblies, Modules & Systems

    • Broadband, CW, Pulse & Linear Applications

    • 1MHz to 50GHz, 3KW CW, 10KW Pulse

  • Medium Power Amplifiers

    • 1MHz to 51GHz, up to 2W P1dB

  • Low Noise Amplifiers

  • Block Up Converters

  • Antennas  2MHz to 40GHz.

  • Packaging, Heat Control, Environmental qualification.

  • High Level Firmware integration for system level applications & Web browser, Bluetooth/internet enabled for easy user interface via PC, smartphones, or tablets.

CPI has an extensive portfolio of more than 4,500 products that is comprised of a wide range of electron device products, including microwave and power grid vacuum electron devices (VEDs) and solid-state power devices, in addition to products, such as:

EMI/EMC Testing: As the list of products containing electronics increases exponentially, so, too, does the need for testing the integrity of those products. CPI high-power amplifiers (HPAs) and vacuum electron devices (VEDs) provide the means by which electronics suppliers can test the ability of their products to withstand RF and microwaves.

Electronic Countermeasure (ECM) Systems:  The use of high-power microwave (HPM) applications in electronic warfare is growing. As the unmanned aircraft system (UAS) market has thrived, and with the expected integration of artificial intelligence and swarm capabilities into these systems, counter UAS (C-UAS) strategies are required. HPM applications play a crucial role in the ability to designate friend-or-foe (FOF) and track and eliminate threats to allied warfighters and critical infrastructure such as oil fields and government institutions. CPI provides dynamic tracking pedestals that support such applications, with a proven portfolio of baseline configurations that can be modified to meet specific applications.

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An Electro Mechanical Research and Development (EMRAD) Corporation, Company

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