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Monopole Rod Antennas

Schwarzbeck Logo


A monopole antenna is half of a dipole antenna on top of a conducting ground plane. The most common type is a quarter-wave monopole where the antenna is approximately 1/4 of wavelength of radio waves. The radiation pattern is limited to above the ground plane of the antenna.

The radiation pattern of monopole antennas above a ground plane are also known from the dipole result.
The only change that needs to be noted is that the impedance of a monopole antenna is one half of that of a full dipole antenna. For a quarterwave monopole (L=0.25λ), the impedance is half of that of a half-wave dipole, so Zin = 36.5 + j21.25 Ohms. This can be understood since only half the voltage is required to drive a monopole antenna to the same current as a dipole (think of a dipole as having +V/2 and -V/2 applied to its ends, whereas a monopole antenna only needs to apply +V/2 between the monopole antenna and the ground to drive the same current). Since Zin = V/I, the impedance of the monopole antenna is halved.


Schwarzbeck Active & Passive Monopole (Rod) Antennas

 (9KHz to 40MHz)

VAMP 9243


Schwarzbeck VAMP9243 Vertikal Active Rod Antenna



Schwarzbeck Option MIL461_bonding_kit for VAMP 9243


The active monopole antenna VAMP 9243 consists of a vertical rod and an impedance matching amplifier.
The rod has a standard length of 1m (other rod length on request) and can be considered as short compared to the wave length in the frequency range 9 kHz-30 MHz.
The conversion factor is independent of the frequency because of the extremely high impedance of the matching amplifier.
The circuit gives best results of noise and intermodulation for a conversion factor (antenna factor) of +10 dB and sensitive measuring receivers are able to use the
whole dynamic range of the antenna.

Schwarzbeck VAMP 9243


Vertical Active Monopole (Rod) Antenna

9 kHz - 30 MHz


reduced noise floor

with mounting nut for AM 9144 and rechargeable battery


Datasheet VAMP 9243





Opt. GP: Aluminium Ground Plane, 0.6 x 0.6 m

Opt. ACS 410: Charger ACS 410

Opt. VT: 20 dB plug in divider to measure high field strength  [Picture]

Opt. CA 9243: Calibration Adapter for VAMP 9243

Opt. CA 9243


Opt. MIL461G or CISPR 25 bonding kit:

Bonding kit for VAMP 9243 acc. MIL-STD-461G consisting of a BNC cable double shielded ca. 70 cm, with braid current blocking ferrite in the center, elbow aluminium angle with BNC bulkhead adapter.

Opt. MIL 461F Bonding Kit

VPMP 9242

VPMP 9242

Linear polarized passive monopole antenna for receive and transmit applications with 10 mm element fixture for telescopic or biconical elements.


Schwarzbeck Vertical Passive Monopole (Rod) Antenna

10 - 40 MHz

Possible rods: FBAB 9177, FBAL 9178, BBA 9106, BBAL 9136

(rod must be ordered extra)


Datasheet VPMP 9242



Opt. GP: Aluminium Ground Plane 0.6 x 0.6 m

VPMP 9241


Schwarzbeck VPMP 9241




Schwarzbeck VPMP9241


Monopole acc. to CISPR/D/391/CD (CIS/D/386/CD, CIS/D/388A/CC)


2 N-connectors

element fixture for rod


aluminum housing and ground plane


Datasheet VPMP 9241



Opt. TLD 9241: Top loading disc for VPMP 9241 diameter < 12 cm.

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