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RA Mayes EMC Test
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GTEM Test Cells

GTEM Italia

GTEM Italia Logo

Made in Italy

GTEM Test Cells for EMC Testing


DC - 20 GHz


GTEM 250




GTEM 500


GTEM 600


GTEM 750


GTEM 1000


GTEM 1250


GTEM 1500


GTEM 1750


GTEM 2000


GTEM 25000


GTEM Feed 


GTEM View Window


GTEM 1000


The GTEM cell is a TEM waveguide with the upper frequency limit extended to the GHz range. It is a low-cost alternative measurement facility for both radiated emission and immunity measurements. It is included in the published standard IEC 61000-4-20 "Emission and Immunity Testing in Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Waveguides".

Compared to other measuring methods like EMC test in anechoic chambers or OATS (Open Area Test Sites), GTEM Cells offer some significant advantages for the testing of small and medium sized EUT's (Equipment Under Test) up to a frequency range of 20GHz. Quick turnarounds of the EUT as well as numerous testing variations are easy and fast to handle. Switching from emission to immunity testing requires only simple adjustments, from receiver input to amplifier output.


You are irrespective of long waiting times associated with off-site test labs or weather and ambient delays that can occur at OATS facilities. Whether you are at the design qualification, pre-compliance, compliance, or production sampling stage, the GTEM is the right choice for you.

Video GTEM 250

Video GTEM 450

Video GTEM 500

Video GTEM 750

Video GTEM 1000

Video GTEM 1500

Power Requirements for Radiated Immunity Testing

XYZ EUT Manipulator for GTEM750 & Larger

Advantages Over the Competitors GTEM
GTEM Amplifier Power Calculator

GTEM 1000

GTEM Test Cells acc. to IEC/EN 61000-4-20

pdf pdf of table below

GTEM Test Cells


pdf pdf of table below

GTEM Large Models

GTEM Large EUT Size

GTEM Test Cell Optional Accessories

pdf pdf of table below

GTEM Options 

Standard Options

GTEM Set-up for Radiated Immunity
and Emission Measurement Testing

GTEM Test Setup

Connection to the loop is through a BNC connector which enables coaxial cabling to the EMI receiver. The loop is supplied with a correction factor graph showing the values in dB which must be added to the reading of a 50 ohm EMI meter to obtain answers in either dB/μV/m or dB/pT. The correction factor decreases as frequency increases from 30 Hz up to approximately 15 KHz, where the factor levels off and remains relatively constant up to 5 MHz.
The Type 7334-1 Loop Antenna is required by Test Method RE01 in Parts 2 through 6 of MIL-STD-461C and RE101 of MIL-STD-461D.These portions of the specification require magnetic field emission tests of cables, equipments, systems and sub-systems installed in, or used in, all phases of military vehicles, ships, submarines, aircraft (including helicopters), spacecraft, or ground-based operations.

The Type 7334-1 Loop Antenna is positioned 7 cm from the face of the equipment under test with the plane of the loop parallel to the equipment face. The best position to begin with is opposite or near a joint or seam.
The associated EMI meter is then scanned over the range 30 Hz to 100 KHz searching for emissions. At the frequencies where emissions are found, the loop antenna is moved about the surface seeking the strongest emission level.
When a strong signal is detected, the loop is oriented on its axis for a maximum reading. This procedure is repeated for all surfaces of the equipment under test. Although the specification is not clear on the point, it appears to indicate that all six sides (including the bottom) of an equipment must be tested in this manner.
When testing cables, the loop antenna is placed 7 cm from the cable with the plane of the loop parallel to the cable. The non-metallic base plate of the Type 7334-1 Loop Antenna provides a convenient means for establishing the correct 7 cm distance.

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An Electro Mechanical Research and Development (EMRAD) Corporation, Company

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Last Modified: 01/27/2025 15:29:43